Scandi Craftsman

Scandi Craftsman

Location: Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, CA

Home: 2500sqft craftsman house

Scope: furnishings, custom furniture, AV system, custom drapery.

Status: completed

  • I'd never worked with a designer before and didn't know where to start. To me, it almost seemed like a foreign language. But Laetitia made it easy. She encouraged me to take leaps with what I wanted. All she asked was that I communicate the feeling I wanted to experience when I walked into any given room. She would do the rest. In doing so, Laetitia has managed to transform my house into a collection of spaces that somehow feel like they are out of my wildest imaginings, but that together, also feel definitively like home. Whenever I walk out my front door, I can't wait to get back.

    Justin D.